
This is a plugin for drawing population pyramids with flot.

Ok, let's wrap everything in a warm, secure closure.

var FlotPyramid = (function(){

Some declarations follow:

The yaxis tick values will be stored in here.

  var yaxisTicks = [],

An object which will be thrown when the data to plot is invalid.

  InvalidData = {
    plugin: 'flot.pyramid',
    msg: 'Invalid series for pyramid plot! The supplied data must have exactly the same labels!'

And another one which will be thrown when any of the data series directions specified by the user has a wrong value.

  InvalidDirection = {
    plugin: 'flot.pyramid',
    msg: 'Invalid direction specified for pyramid series. Use \'L\' or \'W\' for left, or \'R\' or \'E\' for right (default is right)'

Flot plumbing

Hooks the pyramid plugin options processor when flot initializes the plot.

  function init(plot) {

Processes the plot options.

  function processOptions(plot, options) {

When the pyramid plugin is active (i.e. shown)

    if (options.series.pyramid && options.series.pyramid.show) {

Configure flot options in order to plot the data using bars, extending any user defined bars options to get hotizontal, centered bars. If the user supplies a custom barWidth, use it.

      $.extend(options.series.bars, {
        show: true,
        horizontal: true,
        align: 'center',
        barWidth: options.series.pyramid.barWidth || 0.6

      var xaxis = options.xaxes[options.series.xaxis - 1 || 0];

Configure the custom pyramid X axis tick formatter, preserving the user defined one, if any.

      $.extend(xaxis, {
        tickFormatter: xaxisTickFormatter(xaxis.tickFormatter)

      var yaxis = options.yaxes[options.series.yaxis - 1 || 0];

Use custom Y axis ticks.

      $.extend(yaxis, {
        ticks: yaxisTicks

Register the pyramid raw data processor...


... and the pyramid data points processor.


Processes the data as-is

  function processRawData(plot, series, datapoints) {

The pyramid plugin needs to change the data label values, so, in order to preserve the original data, a deep clone is made

    series.data = $.extend(true, [], series.data);

Now the Y axis can be fixed using the series data.


And also the X axis.

    fixXaxis(plot.getOptions(), series);

Processes the data points generated by flot.

  function processDatapoints(plot, series, datapoints) {
    var swapped = [],
      points = datapoints.points,

Calculate the multiplier factor given the data plot direction (left or west values must be drawn towards the negative part of the X axis)

      mult = (series.pyramid.direction || 'R').match(/L|W/) ? -1 : 1;

For each data point, originally in the form (X,Y,whatever), swap the X and Y axis values, giving the X value the right direction using the previously calculated multiplier.

    for(var i = 0, len = points.length; i < len; i += datapoints.format.length) {
      swapped.push(points[i+1] * mult);

Complete the swap!

    datapoints.points = swapped;

X axis formatting

Formats the X axis tick values

  function xaxisTickFormatter(oldFormatter) {
    return function(val, axis) {

turning negative values into positive ones.

      val = val < 0 ? -val: val;

Returns the formatted (abs) value, optionally formatted through the original user-supplied formatter (that's a formatting party!).

      return oldFormatter ? oldFormatter(val, axis) : val;

Fixes the X axis values in the series.

  function fixXaxis(options, series) {
    var max,
        currentMax = options.xaxes[0].max || 0,
        data = series.data,

Check whether the series direction declaration is OK.


Define a helper function which reduces the given data applying f.

    function reduce(data, f) {
      return data.reduce(function(prev, current, index, array) {
        return f(prev, current);

Get the maximum value in the series data.

    values = data.map(function(d){return d[1]});
    max = reduce(values, Math.max);

Compare the maximum value to the global maximum for the axis. TODO: replace that 0 with the relevant axis index

    options.xaxes[0].max = Math.max(max, currentMax);

Set the minimum to -maximum in order to get a symmetrical chart.

    options.xaxes[0].min = -options.xaxes[0].max;

Checks the series direction declaration, if present.

  function checkSeriesDirection(series) {
    var direction = series.pyramid.direction;

And if, indeed, it is present, and has an unknown value

    if (direction && !direction.match(/L|W|R|E/)) {

throw InvalidDirection.


Y axis formatting

Fixes the Y axis values in the data and fixes the Y axis ticks values.

  function fixYaxis(data) {

If this is the first series to be processed (and therefore the yaxisTicks array is empty)

    if (yaxisTicks.length == 0) {

use it to extract the tick values. All the data labels (which will be used as tick values) in all the plotted series must be exactly the same,

    } else {

so, if the data labels have already been extracted, every other series' data is checked.


Once extracted (or checked) the labels, the data can be rewritten in order to be plotted.


Extracts the Y axis ticks given the data to be plotted,

  function extractTicks(data) {
    var i, len;
    for(i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i += 1) {

extracting the data label and building an array in the form [[1, "0-10"], [2, "10-20"],..., [9, "90+"]]

      yaxisTicks.push([i, data[i][0]]);

Checks whether the given data is "well formed",

  function checkTicks(data) {

i.e. it has so many data values as Y axis ticks, and every data value is labeled with a label which is present in the Y axis ticks (labels) array. Wow.

    if (!sameTicksLength(data) || !allTicksPresent(data)) {

Oh, if something is wrong with the data, just throw InvalidData.


Checks whether the given data has the same length as the Y axis extracted ticks array.

  function sameTicksLength(data) {
    return yaxisTicks.length == data.length;

Checks whether every tick in the Y axis has a corresponding labeled data entry in the data array.

  function allTicksPresent(data) {
    var labels, expected_labels;

Get the actual and expected labels

    expected_labels = $.map(yaxisTicks, function(e) { return e[1] });
    labels = $.map(data, function(e) { return e[0] });

And compare them.

    return expected_labels.toString() == labels.toString();

Rewrites the data label values,

  function rewriteTicks(data) {

removing the label and replacing it with the data value ordinal.

    for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i+= 1) {
      data[i][0] = i;

Wrap it up!

Expose only the minimum stuff, i.e.

  return {

The init function...

    init: init,

And the InvalidDirection and InvalidData "exception" objects...

    InvalidDirection: InvalidDirection,
    InvalidData: InvalidData

Once the document is ready, add the plugin to the list of available flot plugins.

(function ($) {
      init: FlotPyramid.init,
      name: "pyramid",
      version: "1.0.0"